Olympification, cont'd...

The Olympic Village. Such a depressing place... Not enough palm trees.

And we get to play "Guess the country" with the uniforms: Slovakia! Girls in white, guys in navy.

And we ALSO get to play "Guess the Police force" with the uniforms! Note the 3 different stripe colours: yellow, red, and blue. I talked with them briefly, they were amused at the "Guess the uniform" joke, and it turns out the yellow stripe is RCMP, the blue stripe is Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), and the red stripe was "Peel Police", which I learned is a suburb of Toronto. So a Federal, a Provincial, and a Municipal officer. I joked with them to "enjoy our winter!". Ha Ha. The RCMP officer was carrying his jacket when I saw them later...

You can also play "Guess the country" on this globe, near Science World, oops, I mean the Russky Dom. That's Japan she's highlighting, but you knew that, right?

Hardship. Total unrelenting hardship. When will their nightmare end?

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